Types of Family Law Cases
There are many Types of Family Law Cases
Family Law -Modification and Enforcement of Prior Order
Orders may be enforced or modified by subsequent court order. Once an order has been entered and a party has failed to comply with said court order and family law statues, the available remedy may be to seek enforcement of that order. In the case where a change in circumstances has occurred since the entry of a prior order, a party may seek a modification of the prior order by filing a supplemental petition for modification.
Family Law -Name Change
How to change your change? This is a question not only frequently asked, but a very popular legal service. Minors and adults may apply to the court for a name change. A petition for name change may be granted if the person seeking a name change has not filed for bankruptcy, has never had his or her civil rights revoked, and does not want to obtain a name change for an inappropriate purpose such as defeating the right of a creditor.
Family Law – Paternity
Unmarried parents of minor children establish their rights and obligations with respect to their minor children by filing a lawsuit to establish paternity. A paternity case is usually initiated by a father that wishes to establish his rights to share time with his children and participate in decisions that affect the welfare of the children, or by a mother who seeks to establish the father’s child support obligation. Florida law also provides for the disestablishment of paternity of fathers, provided that certain requirements are met.